An Evening with Caga Tió

This guest post comes from UVA 3rd Year and Language Commons Assistant Angie Ocran:


Where on grounds can you go for a fun maker activity making “poop logs” with a side of coffee and pastries?

The Language Commons, of course!

On monday night, December 4th, the Language Commons held a Caga Tió (literally “poop log”) making session from 5-7pm and I was delighted to be a part of it.

Yes, I realize how ridiculous “poop logs” sound but to many Catalans, this is a normal Christmas Tradition. From what I learned at the event, Caga Tió is almost a Santa Claus equivalent in the region of Catalonia–the difference is that the log poops out the presents.

The log which usually has two wooden legs, a smiley face and a Catalan barretina(hat) is fed by kids and covered in a blanket until Christmas Eve when it is whacked until it “poops” out presents. Along with the whacking is a special song to encourage the log. After the whacking stops, the blanket is removed to reveal a variety of gifts.

Hush Hush: Parents replace the log every few days to pretend the log is growing from being fed. They also hide the gifts under the blanket before Caga Tió is whacked.

It was quite a sight as students painted faces on their logs, made barretinas with felt squares, and got their arts and crafts on. The festive atmosphere not only helped to de-stress, but also learn about the differences in cultural experience when it comes to the holidays!

Here are a few links to learn more about this tradition:

Traveler’s perspective on Caga Tió and Caganer

Caga Tió Song

Author: Angelina A. Ocran